The campaign in France has told us much about how divided the Left is in Europe. In Britain, are we so hypnotized
by Blair (and Brown) and their pact with the devil, otherwise known as the
Murdoch press, that we fail to see what is happening?
So, that's the attention-grabbing first paragraph out of the way. As I feared,
this is now part of the post-mortem. Ségolène did quite well
in the debate Wednesday night, but I still thought she had less than a 20%
chance of winning on Sunday (curious, after writing that, I checked on the
odds and found that
Ladbrokes were offering 5 to 1).
On Sunday (22 Apr), as the results of the first round were announced,
BBC Parliament carried live coverage from one of the French TV channels
(TF1, I think). Olivier Besancenot called for a vote for Ségolène
Royal in the second round, even before she made her speech about an hour
and a half after the announcement of the results (21:30 CET). It was quite
a long speech: she committed to a new referendum on the EU constitution,
positioning herself against Sarkozy's proposal for a mini-treaty and promising
that the French people would not have the decision taken behind its back
à son insu).
The BBC's Mark Mardell says that, privately, Britain's Labour government
is hoping for a Sarkozy victory, since the last thing they want is another
referendum (election special on Radio 4).
Election présidentielle :
les résultats du premier tour.
One of the far-left candidates, Olivier Besancenot, took 4.1 % of the vote.
The 5% threshold is significant, since if a candidate gets more than
that he gets funding of 5 million, otherwise 800,000 Euros. This was mentioned
by Philippe Gelie, of
Le Figaro on C-Span (22 Apr). Details are available on Wikipedia (though I couldn't get their figures to add up):
Élections présidentielles sous la Cinquième.
Sarkozy caused some waves in Europe by speaking out against "unrestricted
free trade", but according to the Financial Times (31 Mar), one of his advisers
has said that he is protectionist in areas where he would be constrained
by the EU and "liberal" in areas he could change - in domestic policy. This
has not gone unnoticed by the French. J-M Colombani in his editorial in
Le Monde: "
eûmes donc les allers-retours de Nicolas Sarkozy, se proclamant libéral
avant de redevenir classiquement colbertiste. A moins que, comme le disent
les Britanniques, il ne soit libéral quand les affaires marchent,
protectionniste quand l'Etat est impuissant."
Both candidates have taken positions that move beyond the French consensus on
the US and Iraq, Sarkozy in his
Press conference on foreign policy in March, Ms Royal
longer ago.
However, at her rally the Thursday before the first round vote, she is reported
to have got her biggest cheer by speaking about France not going down on
its knees to the United States. There is more
fairly predictable stuff on her website. But if Sarkozy can be allowed to say one thing and mean another on the
economy, then maybe Ségolène can be allowed her meaningless
posturing on this.
Turkey, Ségolène has been fairly courageous in taking the
unpopular position of favouring their entry to the EU. (*) (Here we might compare the position in Germany, where many of Angela Merkel's foreign policy positions
are more attractive than Gerhard Schröder's, but she is far more opposed
to Turkey's entry than he is.) Sarkozy has always been opposed to Turkish
entry, but, in an interesting sidelight, Michel Barnier, former FM and now
adviser to Nicolas Sarkozy, interviewed on Thursday, said he used to support
Turkey joining the EU, but changed his mind after the French rejection of
the EU constitution in the May 2005 referendum.
But Turkey is, literally, peripheral to the discussion about Europe. You
may have heard that the Socialists have been accused of conducting the campaign
on the basis of
Tous Sauf Sarkozy (anything but Sarkozy). In fact,
when it comes to Europe, it's more like anything but
Britain, i.e. anything
but the anglo-saxon, ultra-liberal, model. This view is shared by some quite
surprising figures, such as Bernard Kouchner. Even after ten years of Blair
government, this is still what Britain means in France.
So, the French look to restart the
Franco-German "motor". Here the Socialists
may have some advantage, since Sarkozy has made some remarks which, apart
not being strictly true about France having
nothing to be ashamed of
in its history, are rather insensitive towards Germany:
Le discours musclé sur l'identité nationale, les
petites phrases répétées dans lesquelles le candidat
Sarkozy a renvoyé à l'Allemagne son passé nazi - "la
France n'a pas rougir de son histoire, elle n'a pas commis de génocide,
elle n'a pas inventé la solution finale", a-t-il dit à Nice
le 30 mars - ne sont pas passés inaperçues. Même si les
commentaires sont restés limités. Le Frankfurter Allgemeine
Zeitung s'est contenté de relever les critiques de l'ancienne ministre
socialiste Elisabeth Guigou, qui a reproché à M. Sarkozy d'attaquer
l'Allemagne. ('La campagne porte en germe des conflits profonds entre Paris et Berlin', Le Monde, 19 Apr)
But the Socialists' call for "reform" of the European Central Bank may well
be seen by the Germans as a demand for a more lax monetary policy. Furthermore,
Sarkozy's proposal for a mini-treaty to take forward reform of the EU, is
more in line with Ms Merkel's position (not to mention Mr Blair's).
One problem for Ségolène Royal is that, unlike Blair, she has
not had three years to establish a new image and policies for her party.
So, although she may come across as fairly Blairist when interviewed, much
of the time, in the long discussions on radio (which I mainly hear)
and on TV (I presume), it is others who speak for her. Many of these put
forward fairly unreconstucted views on the economy, which it is easy for
Sarkozy and his people to demolish as presaging continued stagnation for
Ségolène may be the party's candidate for president, but she
is not its leader. This is different from the way we do things in Britain,
but, bizarrely enough, more similar to the way things are done in the US.
On the face of it, the two candidates' policies on the
are not too different: Sarkozy is not actually promising to scrap it, while Ségolène
has promised to be flexible in its application, extending it to smaller companies
only after negotiation with the "social partners". But the rhetoric on each
side is very different. Sarkozy claims to favour for those who get up early
de bonne heure) to go to work. "Work more to earn more"... The Socialists
are criticised for having a vision where work is a fixed quantity, a cake
to be divided up. On the Socialists' side, the argument is that they are
all in favour of people working more, but not of a society where some have
the opportunity to work overtime, while others are spectators, in unemployment.
Unemployment is the major problem for France, especially among the young,
especially among the immigrant communities. Yet it is doubtful that the
35-hour week helps to reduce this, since the restrictions it imposes are
detrimental to the performance of the economy. Also, the 35-hour week may
not be too popular, especially among the lower-paid.
Ségolène Royal may have had the Spanish PM Zapatero at her
rally the Thursday before the first round, but Sarkozy made a tellingly point
in an interview several weeks ago, when he described how he asked Zapatero
whether he was planning to introduce a 35-hour week in Spain: "he laughed
in my face."
All the same, what Sarkozy proposed to mitigate the effects of the 35-hour
week, exempting overtime worked from tax, seemed so bizarre that I thought
I had misunderstood it, but I later heard it confirmed on the BBC.
I commented about the Contrat Premier Embauche
previously. Here Ségolène could do well to take a leaf out of Tony Blair's book. As I
noted at the time, Emmanuel of Ceteris Paribus
pointed out last year,
showing more knowledge of the subject than most people in Britain, how the
Blair government modified the employment laws from the Thatcher era.
If we could get beyond the vague rhetoric - about "ultra-liberalism", globalisation
and so on, we might see some concrete issues and some proposals that many
would find attractive, even in Britain.
Let's have another look at some of the ideas put forward by the minor candidates
in the first round. Some of them, admittedly, are not too impressive. Olivier
Besancenot, on 19 Apr, had the slogan "
pas de subventions aux licencieurs",
which might be literally translated as "no subsidies to job-cutters", but
probably means rather "no job-cuts by people who receive subsidies". Bernard Kouchner later described Besancenot as being "
d'un talent formidable".
José Bové, on 17 Apr, said that the European constitution
had been rejected in France was not because people were against Europe as
such, but because they were against the Europe that had been presented
to them, against an expansion that had left new entrants able to use tax
competition to attract jobs. Marie-George Buffet (PCF), on 18 Apr, also spoke
harmonisation fiscale.
Nobody can defend the idea that workers in the "old" countries of the EU
have a god-given right for their jobs to be defended against competition
from eastern Europe. But the erosion of the tax base by countries aggressively
competing against each other to attract companies by cutting the tax rates
on them is something around which people could find common cause.
A campaign against tax avoidance might not seem very exciting, but somebody
has to pay taxes, and if the rich do not, the poor have to (or see their
services cut).
Yet in Britain, we end up with a Labour government that is secretly hoping
for Ségolène Royal to lose. Why? Because then they do
not want to face having to have another referendum on the European constitution.
Why? Because the Press would be largely hostile to the new constitution.
Why? Because of the very "social" elements that Ségolène
would seek to include.
Aside from the issue of corporate taxes, London and South-East England
has become a very attractive place to live for billionaires from Russia and
elsewhere, in large part because of a tax regime that lead many to describe
the UK as being virtually a tax haven.
On the other side, even internationalists like Bernard Kouchner insist on seeing issues in national terms - France and Germany versus Britain (**).
* Eventually, I found this on her website:
"La lettre" n°22 - Vendredi 13 octobre [2006]
A propos de l’adhésion de la Turquie à l’Union Européenne, Ségolène Royal
a rappelé que le processus "se terminera par un référendum. Un certain nombre
de conditions doivent être remplies, par rapport à l’inquiétude des opinions
sur la stabilité des frontières de l’Europe. Cette question sera débattue.
Il faudra pour que le peuple français se prononce, avoir entre-temps apporté
un certain nombre de garanties. Le référendum ne sera pas facile. Il va falloir
beaucoup de travail, d’évolution, pour que le peuple français se prononce positivement. Ce travail est entre les mains de tous", (my emphasis)
As I understand it, Chirac had a law passed requiring a referendum before
France approves any further enlargement, beyond the two countries that are
already close to joining.
Envoys hope for a ‘friendlier’ France -
** '
Le Franc Parler', France Inter, 23 Apr.