Our boys' voices
I will not be blogging for the next week and a half.
General Philippe Rondot, seen as a key witness, was taken by police to appear before investigating magistrates.Caroline Wyatt added that the French public were rapidly losing interest in the affaire (Europe Today, Monday), which was also reported by the Financial Times, Saturday (20 May). Peggy Hollinger in the FT also had a profile of Jean-Louis Gergorin (requires subscription), which explained some of the background. 'It all began with a tip in 2003 from a security contact, who suggested there had been unusual share dealings in the Lagardère group in the weeks before the death of its owner, Jean-Luc Lagardère.' Gergorin had worked with Lagardère on deals in the French aeronautical / defence industry, culminating in the merger that established EADS.
Gen Rondot, a 69 year-old senior intelligence official, has given evidence to the inquiry, but stopped answering questions after parts of his notes - implicating the prime minister and President Jacques Chirac - were leaked to the media. On Monday, he again refused to answer magistrates' questions, the French news agency AFP reported. His lawyer Eric Morain said Gen Rondot "reiterated his demand to be questioned in the presence of his lawyer, which was turned down, so he refused to answer the judges' questions".
Under provisions set out in section 25 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act, the police can arrest you for a non-arrestable offence only if general arrest conditions apply. One such condition is a reasonable belief that you have given a false name. Nevertheless, even under these circumstances, before the police can arrest you they must also ask for, and presumably check, your address. In Mr V's case, the officers failed to do so.Alex McBride's Common law column in Prospect, April 2006.
At the trial, I argued that the police hadn't had reasonable grounds for making an arrest as they hadn't asked Mr V for his address once the reasonable suspicion about his name arose. If general arrest conditions didn't apply, then the officers had no power to arrest him and their actions were unlawful. Mr V was therefore entitled to resist. The magistrates reluctantly agreed and the charges were dismissed. For Mr V it was a moment of triumph: he'd been wronged and the court made it right. The officers were dumbstruck.
The distinction between arrestable and non-arrestable offences is important—it is a statutory limit on police powers. Or at least it used to be. On 1st January, the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act came into force. Buried away in part 3 of the act, section 110 removes the distinction. The effect is that the police can arrest you for any offence, even speeding. The reason for the change in the law was that the police, amazingly, found the distinction between arrestable and non-arrestable offences confusing and therefore inconvenient. If I were representing Mr V today, he wouldn't have the legal protection he was afforded 12 months earlier.
Rabkin is not a conservative so much as a legal reactionary. He believes that the American federal government should be scaled back to its role in 1930, before the new deal decisively expanded its domestic role. He would have the US government return to an exclusive focus on national defence, trade policy and a few infrastructural activities. The federal government, Rabkin has written in detail elsewhere, has no business regulating the environment or social policy. Over the past century, in his view, the supreme court has betrayed the traditional American anti-statist ideal.From Prospect magazine. Rabkin is 'a former protégé of John Bolton's at the American Enterprise Institute. The book comes splashed with effusive praise by leading conservative intellectuals such as Robert Bork, Robert Kagan, and George Will'.
It is because international norms might impede this process of reaction that Rabkin so viscerally opposes them. This is why he is so selective in his criticism. Free trade and defence alliances, he believes, do not threaten sovereignty—even though they unambiguously restrict the legal and political autonomy of nations. Rabkin has only positive things to say about Nato, as well as traditional Gatt/WTO trade liberalisation. Only "left-wing" policies, in Rabkin's view, restrict sovereignty. Thus he viciously criticises the WTO appellate body's recent efforts to regulate the relationship between free trade and environmental policy.
In the end Rabkin all but admits that it is not Europeans he fears. It is other Americans—Americans who do not share his libertarianism.
We defend liberal and pluralist democracies against all who make light of the differences between them and totalitarian and other tyrannical regimes.OK, so French and English are just different languages, you may say. But here's NormG (sorry, Euston) at one point saying, 'We reject, also, the cultural relativist view according to which these basic human rights are not appropriate for certain nations or peoples', at another, 'We stand against all claims to a total — unquestionable or unquestioning — truth'. No wonder we're all so confused.
Nous défendons les démocraties libérales et pluralistes contre tous ceux qui relativisent les différences entre elles et les régimes totalitaires ou tyranniques.
This self-perception is probably too rosy, as that of 1976 was too gloomy. Germany and France are not doing so badly, and Britain is not doing as well as many Brits like to believe.I tried to comment on this, but 'Comment is free' messes up the formatting. So here it is, below
I was listening the other day to an interview on France Inter with the author of Le Royaume enchanté de Tony Blair. One of the magic tricks, of course, was to turn the unemployed into the long-term sick (starting under Thatcher, increasing under Major). He argued that if you added those claiming long-term sickness benefit to the 5 per cent unemployed, you get a figure of 9 per cent, not far below France's unemployment rate. You would of course also need to take into account the 'the long-term sick' in France, but the impression given was that the figure was very low.Another comment: on Watergate sur Seine , Leader , Thursday May 11, 2006, The Guardian
However, it is true that the rate of economic inactivity of the young is much higher in France than in the UK.
The book is supposed to be unremittingly negative, but in the interview the author did say that Britain was much more open for ethnic minorities, compared to France (nothing like the périphérique, forming a 'rampart' to exclude the immigrants).
But Mr de Villepin is in much deeper trouble. Under the French system he can be dismissed by President Jacques Chirac and replaced by his bitter rival Nicolas SarkozyIt doesn't seem now that Sarkozy wants to replace de Villepin as Prime Minister: it looks more like he is positioning himself for the presidential election next year.
l'affaire Clearstream est un épisode politico-policier relativement mineur [...] enfin, ces faits devraient occuper un espace raisonnable dans les pages intérieures des journaux. Or, nous assistons à une hystérisation, une focalisation totale du système politico-médiatique sur cette question mineure. Pour un sociologue, il est impossible de ne pas voir cet emballement comme une tentative de fuite hors de la réalité. Parce que nos dirigeants ne sont pas capables d'engager les débats qui comptent sur la globalisation économique, sur le rôle de la France et l'Europe dans cette globalisation , ils se donnent en spectacle....
In the Syrian border town of Husaybah sit two fierce-looking brothers, one the chief of police, the other the colonel of the local Iraqi army brigade, both members of the powerful Albu Mahal tribe.If you want to read the rest, you have to pay.
By their side is the commander of the US marine battalion in charge of this region, Lt Col Nick Marano. Before them sit the sheikhs of the region's tribes - Albu Mahals, Karbulis, Salmanis, Ubaydis, Albu Hardans and others, each in their robe and headdress.
The OECD's efforts to constrain [the havens] were watered down after 2001, when the Bush administration complained this would stifle tax competition....
les pratiques d’une société luxembourgeoise, Clearstream, une des principales chambres de compensation du monde par laquelle transitent des millions de titres chaque année. Par l’intermédiaire de comptes secrets, elle servirait à blanchir l’argent sale, à falsifier les comptes des entreprises, à masquer des transferts mafieux.It has to be borne in mind, of course, that l’Humanité is a Communist paper. Hervé Charette, for the ruling UMP, denied that Clearstream was a giant washing-machine for dirty money, but said it could be if it was not properly monitored and regulated.
l’Humanité a voulu revenir sur le scandale financier sous-jacent qui a fait apparaître le nom de la société Clearstream, mettant en cause l’opacité des circuits de l’argent transitant par les paradis fiscaux.Finally, Quand revoilà Frits Bolkestein ...
Dans un premier temps, que je situe au début du mois d’avril 2004, j’ai récupéré Imad Lahoud avec ma voiture de service dans une rue à proximité du ministère et nous sommes allés dans la nature, c’est-à-dire dans le parc de l’observatoire de Meudon. Nous nous sommes arrêtés dans une contre-allée du parc et ça s’est passé dans ma voiture. Imad Lahoud travaillait avec son téléphone portable et son ordinateur. Il a appelé un numéro de téléphone et pianoté les touches de son ordinateur. Je l’ai vu mettre les codes et j’ai vu une liste apparaître sur l’écran. Je précise qu’il a eu des problèmes techniques de liaison parce que selon Imad Lahoud cet ordinateur n’était pas assez puissant. Cependant, j’ai vu apparaître un listing qui défilait avec des noms qui étaient déjà apparus dans les listings précédents [...]To get on to the spiral notebook:
D’après ce que m’avait dit Imad Lahoud, il avait profité d’un moment d’inattention de Denis Robert, alors qu’il se trouvait chez celui-ci, pour lui vider son ordinateur. Je sais par Lahoud que Denis Robert lui avait également donné des CD-roms sur lesquels il avait des listings de comptes Clearstream.
Nous vous présentons la photocopie d’un carnet à spirale et d’une partie de feuillet comportant des mentions manuscrites, contenue dans le scellé Rondot-Meudon 12 [..]General Rondot makes the following clarifications:
Dans le compte rendu de la réunion du 9 janvier 2004, j’ai écrit :
« 9 janvier 2004, 17h30, entretien D. de Villepin
- à son bureau + JL Gergorin
Ops Reflux
Jean-Louis Gergorin lui avait transmis une note. (…) Il ne me l’avait pas dit alors qu’il avait été convenu de ne rien écrire à ce sujet.
Instructions du président de la République, auquel Dominique de Villepin avait rendu compte :
- Traitement direct avec le président de la République, prudence cadre secret
- Tenir compte des manipulations politiques.
Les connexions selon Dominique de Villepin + Jean-Louis Gergorin : des réseaux tangentiels à explorer Fabius, Pasqua, DSK, Jean-C. Marchiani, Squarcini.
L’enjeu politique : Nicolas Sarkozy.
Fixation Nicolas Sarkozy, référence conflit Chirac-Sarkozy.
Compromission P. Ol. ->Michèle Alliot-Marie
->Irak, Libye, Syrie. Dominique de Villepin ne le sent pas.
->Ne rien communiquer au ministère de la défense.
Rôle des américains -> soutien apporté à Nicolas Sarkozy.
(…) L’action de la mafia russe ; 1 milliard de dollars sortis -> Clearstream
Message du président de la République à Poutine. Jean-Louis Gergorin le rédigera. Couper le réseau du soutien mafieux russe.
Tolérance du pouvoir russe ->demander des criblages à la DGSE.
Peter Atanazov. Voir fiche remise par Mahdi le 02/12/03
Connecter à Alain Gomez.
Les liens Sarkozy-Dassault ->Le Figaro
La connexion Pasqua-Marchiani
Compte couplé N. Sarkozy, Stéphane Bocza, à préciser.
Cité par Dominique de Villepin, Michel Roussin, pro-Nicolas Sarkozy
Aucun système branché sur le président de la République.
Dominique de Villepin insiste sur le croisement des réseaux en dehors des clivages politiques.
Dominique de Villepin demande de démonter le système et d’explorer la nature des relations pour comprendre les opérations qui sont énumérées ->travail historique à faire.
Dominique de Villepin revient sur le voyage de Nicolas Sarkozy en Chine ->intérêt financier ?
Jean-Louis Gergorin demande que je m’occupe de la sécurité de Mahdi.
Mon impression : doute persistant. Belle construction intellectuelle montée par Jean-Louis Gergorin et qui accroche Dominique de Villepin -> la théorie du complot ?
Ne pas avancer sans preuves concrêtes.
Le cas Martini. Le cas Marchiani. Squarcini.
La note dont je fais état au début de mon compte rendu est une note écrite au sujet de cette affaire de listing par Jean-Louis Gergorin et qui a été remise par celui-ci au début de la réunion. J’en ai demandé une copie à M. Gergorin, qui me l’a remise ultérieurement, dans les jours qui ont suivi. Je ne sais pas où se trouve cette note.I don't know if this is Watergate-sur-Seine. It certainly reminds me a bit of the Hutton enquiry, 2 to 3 years ago.
Les instructions du président de la République : je fais référence aux instructions du président de la République que m’a transmises Dominique de Villepin, qui apparaît dans mon compte rendu sous les initiales DDV.
Les initiales P. Ol renvoient à M. Patrick Ollier, compagnon de Mme Alliot-Marie, ministre de la défense. (…)
La mention « RM » signifie « remarque » ; « Ops », « Opération » et « OP », « orthographe phonétique ».
Well, I was in Iran in the run up to those elections, and they went through the usual procedure. First, they eliminate all the candidates they don't like, even anyone who's vaguely tainted with the brush of so-called reformism. So they comb out the list of possible candidates. Then they present a final list, very, very near the election, by the way. And it looked to most people as if, disliked though he is, that Mr. Rafsanjani would get another term in office. Not be reelected, but elected again. I mean, he'd been out, but might be returned, because the others were so pathetic or so nasty. This was a bit of a crisis, you know, for the regime, and suddenly, at the very last minute, they find a new candidate and shot him in, some unwashed taxi driver figure who once was a Mayor of Tehran, and who is a complete religious loyalist. Well, I think that shows that he's a puppet all right, and we know who pulls the strings, the supreme council of mullahs, pulls these strings. I think that he can't have advanced any more in power...And then of course, I might add, it really annoys me when the New York Times reports the landslide victory of this puppet. (Radioblogger, via Norm.)This is a travesty of the truth. See here, here and here. Also, how come then that Khatami was elected in 1997 and 2001? I just don't see that if Rafsanjani had been elected, it would have been a 'crisis for the regime'.
On 27 January 2006, a little-reported event : Denis Robert
was summonsed by the Luxemburg courts for libel and defamation - l’inculpation de trop (a charge too far). The history behind this is as follows. While researching his book, Révélation$, which was about to make serious allegations about Clearstream,
he sent their management a number of letters, giving them the opportunity
to respond. He had very little response. After the book came out in February
2001, there was a storm of legal actions. The book's publishers calculated
that the total of claims for damages exceeded their annual turnover.
The action in Luxemburg is on charges for which Robert has already been acquitted in the French courts (in the first instance and on appeal).
The Wikipedia entry, Révélation$, is largely based on the previous reference. It does, however, add one little detail: the reception for the book in France was mixed and that of Le Monde in particular was 'distant'.
Savoie, too, cites the Iraq war as an example. “The pollsters - modern witchdoctors - take too short-term a view,” he says. “The pollsters may have said the public favoured war but no pollster could tell Bush or Blair that after the war there would be a problem.”Come again ?