Friday, May 27, 2005

Iranian CDs

And the lesson for the US government? I would start thinking a little bit harder about how to tap into all that soft power,and put some of the hard talk aside.
"Menace of the dream machine", Peter Aspden,  FT Magazine, 7 May (subscribers only, ungoogled - I'm making up a word here: I mean there were no hits, not even the 'subscribers only').

The same could apply to Syria. Another quote from the SyriaComment post I linked to yesterday:
[US] Embassy officials in Damascus have been repeating for some time their key phrase: "Pressure works."

Clearly Bashar has taken the decision that he must attempt to stop that [mantra] which has become dangerous.

"Uzbek massacre: soldiers used Land Rovers in defiance of arms control promise"  (behind registration ---  link )
I am unlikely to blog any more before 9 June. I'm off on holiday.


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