Tuesday, November 29, 2005


If you understand French, listen to this: interview with Pierre PEAN : Auteur de " noires fureurs, blancs menteurs" (RWANDA 1990-1994) éditions MILLE ET UNE NUITS 

More later, hopefiully. 

Update:  here are some notes from the broadcast:

The Tutsi FPR forces led by Paul Kagame.
1 Oct 1990 The Tutsi were helped by Uganda. It was reasonable for France to defend the Hutu government against an outside force trying to gain power on behalf of a minority.
1994 - assassination of the presidents of Rwanda and Burundi:  Kagame was responsible for bringing down the aeroplane, in order to provoke massacres of the Tutsis, his own people. 

The role of France: a failure, but it was the only country which tried (Belgium soon lost interest in its former colony). On the international front, the US (supported by the UK) saw it as in its interest for the Tutsi minoritey to hold power in Rwanda. This 'opened a door' towards what was still then Zaire (the DRC). At least, this was the policy of the US military, to support the FPR: the State Department had a different policy, at least until 1992. They wanted to sweep aside Mobutu; Laurent Kabila was a puppet of  Kagame.

There are some written sources here and here (in French, of course).

( assassinat President de Burundi, descendu l'avion, role de la France: echec mais c'est le seul pays qui a essaye. Etats-Unis interet minorite Tutsi tiennent le Rwanda. porte vers Zaire (DRC).
Et-U (defense) + Angleterre soutient FPR, State jusqu 1992. balaye Mobutu. Laurent Kabila.. marionnette de Kagame. )


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